Gold and Silver

Gold and Silver are the "Ultimate Hedge" against Total Global Monetary and Economic Meltdown.

Economic Theme for 2011 - 2012: MELTDOWN. Here is the link to a 4-Part Series "Must See" Documentary.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gold and Silver Price is Set to Explode

As the US Federal Reserve Money Printing Business a.k.a. Quantitative Easing continues to accelerate in order to keep pace with the purchases of the ever accelerating budgetary shortfalls / budget deficit, those excess money has to find some place to go.
For now, most of those excess money or liquidity has gone into commodities such as food, metals and crude oil, making those commodities not affordable to the common people, causing starvation and hunger. Inflation has already triggered worldwide uprising in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, and soon to spread all over the world. 

In order to hide the true effect on non-stop money printing activities, and flooding the world with excess paper money, the US Federal Reserve has resorted to Gold and Silver Price Suppression activities. But soon the tide will overwhelm and over-run the Federal Reserve attempt to hold Gold and Silver Prices down. When that happens, gold and silver prices, having been held down for so long, will explode to the upside.

When that happens, and the short-sellers in gold and silver contract are forced to cover, as silver price breaks above $30 per ounce, the next up target for silver is $50 per ounce, and when gold price breaks above the $1,430 per ounce, the next upside target for gold is $2,150.

As the short-sellers panic, the speed of price explosion in gold and silver, can be extreme. Some upside targets for silver is $500 per ounce, and gold at $5,000 to $10,000 per ounce.